新西兰外长Nanaia Mahuta:新西兰对中国人权状况及邢望力遭遇表示关切

Tēnā koe Xing Jian

Your email of 29 June 2021 to the Minister of Justice, Hon Kris Faafoi, has been referred to me, as the issue you raise falls within my portfolio responsibilities.

I understand the deep concern you hold for the well-being of your father. Aotearoa
New Zealand shares international concerns about reports of restrictions on freedom of expression and detentions of human rights activists in China. The Prime Minister has raised concerns about the human rights situation in China directly in meetings with Chinese Leaders and I have done likewise directly with my counterpart, Foreign Minister Wang Yi, most recently on 22 June 2021.

Aotearoa New Zealand has also used the United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC) to call on China to respond to concerns about the detention of individuals who have not been lawfully charged, tried and convicted of a criminal offence. Our full statement in China’s most recent HRC Universal Periodic Review is available at: https://www.mfat.govt.nz/en/media-and-resources/universal-periodic-review-china-new-zealand-statement/.

Under the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, China is obliged to provide information to the New Zealand government on New Zealand citizens who have been detained in China.  China is not, however, obliged to respond to questions regarding Chinese citizens.

The New Zealand Government will continue to raise its concerns about the human rights situation in China with the Chinese government at all levels. We will also continue to work with other countries to emphasise our concerns about China’s human rights record, including in the United Nations Human Rights Council, and United Nations General Assembly.

You may wish to consider raising your concerns directly with relevant UN human rights mechanisms, such as the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention or the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders. You can find more information online at: www.ohchr.org.

Nāku noa

Hon Nanaia Mahuta

Minita Take Aorere / Minister of Foreign Affairs


您在 2021 年 6 月 29 日给司法部长 Hon Kris Faafoi 的电子邮件已转交给我,因为您提出的问题属于我的职责范围。

我理解你对你父亲的安康深切关注。新西兰与国际社会一样,对中国限制言论自由和拘留人权活动人士的报道表示关切。总理在与中国领导人会晤时直接表达了对中国人权状况的担忧,最近一次是在 2021 年 6 月 22 日,我也直接与我的同行王毅外长进行了同样的讨论。





Nāku noa

Nanaia Mahuta 阁下

Minita Take Aorere / 外交部长



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